Top Three Energy Savings Products

HomeBlogTop Three Energy Savings Products

Most of us are interested in finding ways to save energy and decrease energy costs. If you own a business, keeping your HVAC equipment in peak condition is one way to save energy and money on heating and cooling costs, but there are several other energy savings products that can complement your existing system.

Top Three Energy Savings Products

  • Energy-Saving Thermostat. A programmable thermostat can save a substantial amount on heating and cooling costs for your business. With an energy-saving thermostat, you can determine the temperature you would like during different hours of the day and on weekends and then set it and forget it. Simply turning down your thermostat by 7-10 degrees during overnight hours can save your business as much as 10% a year in energy costs.
  • Lighting Controls. Programmable lighting controls allow you to automatically adjust lighting based on the time of day, day of the week, overnight hours, occupancy, available daylight, alarm conditions and many other factors. Energy savings products like lighting controls can save a business owner a lot of money in many ways, such as extending the life of bulbs, adjusting light levels to only use what is needed, etc.
  • Load Control Devices. A load control deviceputs a cap on how much electrical usage a building can use at one time.

If you own a business and are interested in ways you can save money on energy, please give us a call at JLK Mechanical to learn more about energy savings products.