When you are beginning a company, you have many capital expenditures you need to make to get up and running. It makes sense to organize them into categories of “must do” and “can wait.” It is always preferable to get some income flowing before doing the latter ones. It might seem like putting in central air conditioning should be part of your startup expenses, but there is another option to consider if money is getting tight. Temporary cooling units can be rented instead of purchasing the full system just yet. This might be an exceptional plan if summer is winding down and you won’t need air conditioning for much longer. You’ll have until next summer is rolling around to have the funds for a full system. You can also do the same with temporary heating in the winter if need be.
It is important to consider whether your cash flow can support the monthly expense of the temporary cooling system and also keep in mind that they aren’t always as efficient, so your electric bill could be higher, too. However, if you have other ways you can use your capital funds that will help you grow your business faster, it may be well worth it.
If you would like to learn more about temporary cooling for your startup company or for another situation, reach out to us at JLK Mechanical. We offer temporary air conditioning rentals for spot cooling and as an emergency HVAC solution. We are happy to go over the pertinent costs to help you decide if this is a good option for your situation, so you can have a comfortable environment to work on growing your business.