When you are having an issue with your heating and cooling, it can be hard and uncomfortable to wait for your HVAC appointment. However, not all HVAC situations are created equal! Did you know that there are certain situations in which you should consider emergency HVAC services? Here at JLK Mechanical, we want you to choose emergency HVAC services when you need them most, such as in the following situations:
- If there is no heating or cooling. Particularly if there are infants or seniors present, please contact someone if there is no heating or cooling at all. Living in extreme temperatures for too long can have dangerous consequences.
- When there are safety issues present. Your HVAC is an important system and there are things like leaking gas, refrigerant, or smoke that shouldn’t be ignored. These definitely constitute a safety issue and should warrant a call for emergency HVAC services.
- If heating or cooling is not working during essential times. If it is a hot summer day and your air conditioner keeps shutting off even though the temperature inside keeps climbing, this may be considered an emergency situation.
- When ice starts to accumulate on your air conditioner. An icy AC unit is in serious need of attention. Even if you start seeing puddles under your air conditioner, we want you to call for emergency HVAC services.
- If there are electrical issues. Does your AC or furnace shut off at random? Do you see tripping breakers and outages frequently? These are red flags!
If you have other questions about our emergency HVAC services, we would love to help answer them. Please give us a call today to learn more.